Elder sign omens icons
Elder sign omens icons

elder sign omens icons

Doom tokens bring the Ancient One closer to victory and when the limit is hit, the game immediately ends as the Ancient One escapes. Some adventures will punish you with doom tokens or by adding monsters to the board. If either hit zero, that investigator is out of the game. This is usually some form of damage to your investigator, which is measured by stamina and sanity. Should you fail an adventure, and you will definitely fail adventures, you receive the punishment described by the adventure. This is usually in the form of various special effects, but can also be Elder Signs which bring you closer to victory. Each adventure will hand out trophies, which can be traded for cool stuff at the entrance, and some other goodies. If an adventure is completed successfully, the loot from the adventure is acquired.


On the plus side, you do get to lock in one die value for the next roll after an unsuccessful attempt, which is minor consolation. With each roll that fails to complete a task, one die must be removed from the subsequent rolls, which is a brutal mechanic that allows you to watch your hopes of victory slowly slip out of your hands. In order to complete this task, the die must show at least one peril and the investigate sides must add up to three or more (each investigate face has numbers from one to three, and you may combine them to reach the required total). A sample task might require three investigates and a peril.

elder sign omens icons

Investigators typically have six green dice to roll which are rolled together, although others can be added as special effects to help your fight. The dice, known as glyphs in the game, have four separate face values: Investigate, Lore, Peril, and Terror. These tasks are completed by achieving specific die rolls. An adventure consists of one or more tasks, all of which must be resolved in order to earn the adventure reward and avoid penalty for failure. The entrance is a place to heal, buy items, or spin a wheel to see what you get, good or bad. From there, each investigator takes their turn which is comprised of selecting one of a handful of adventures on the board, or the always-present entrance location, and resolving the their selected location.

Elder sign omens icons